Comparison of Anastomotic Leakage in Interrupted Versus Continuous Single Layer Extramucosal Anastomotic Techniques in Jejunum
Anastomotic leak, intestine, surgical anastomosis, suture techniquesAbstract
Objective: To compare the frequency of anastomotic leakage in interrupted versus continuous, single layer extramucosal anastomotic techniques in jejunum.
Study Design: Quasi-experimental study.
Place and Duration of Study: Combined Military Hospital, Multan Pakistan, from Feb 2020 to Feb 2021.
Methodology: Patients aged 15-60 years, from the indoor surgical department of the hospital who required jejunal anastomosis were selected. Patients were categorized as Group-A (interrupted single layer extra mucosal anastomosis) or Group-B (continuous single layer extra mucosal anastomosis).
Results: The mean age was 43±9.5 years in Group-A and 41.6±10.1 years in Group-B. Eighteen patients (56.3%) in Group-A and 21(65.6%) in Group-B were male while 14 patients (43.67%) in Group-A and 11(34.4%) in Group-B were females. Frequency of anastomotic leakage was recorded as one patient (3.13%) in Group-A and 3(9.38%) in Group-B while rest of the patients in both groups had no anastomotic leakage (p=0.302). Chi square test was applied, which showed statistically insignificant difference between the two groups (p=0.32)
Conclusion: Comparatively higher frequency of anastomotic leakage was recorded in patients treated with continuous as compared to interrupted suturing but the results were statistically insignificant.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mujahid Ali Khoso, Zahid Hussain, Saeed Bin Ayaz, Zulfiqar Ali Shaikh, Farhan Ahmed Majeed, Syed Majid Waseem

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