Radiological Evaluation of Marginal Bone Loss around Dental Implants with Two Different Collar Designs
Marginal Bone Loss, Machined Collar, Micro-threaded collarAbstract
Objective: To compare mean peri-implant Marginal Bone Loss in patients receiving dental implants with micro-threaded collars with those receiving dental implants with machined collars.
Study Design: Quasi-experimental study.
Place and Duration of Study: Prosthodontics Department, Armed Forces Institute of Dentistry, Rawalpindi Pakistan, from Feb to Aug 2022.
Methodology: Marginal bone loss surrounding dental implants was evaluated by measuring peri-implant bone levels at the time of placement (T0), and at 3 months (T1) and 6 months (T2) after placement. Bone level around implant was measured from the top of dental implant to the first point of contact between the marginal bone and implant body with the help of digital peri apical radiograph (Care stream RVG 6500) with built in software measuring tool (Dental Imaging Software 6.14.0).
Results: A total of 80 implants were placed in which 40 were with rough micro-threaded collar (Group-A) and 40 were with smooth machined collar (Group-B). Out of 80 patients, 51(63.75%) were males and 29(36.25%) were females. Mean and SD of age in years was 40.52±11.75 years. Highest bone loss was at T2 in machined collar implant i.e. 0.72±0.04 mm, and lowest bone loss at T2 in micro-threaded collar implant i.e. 0.54±0.04 mm. A statistically significant difference was found between MBL in machined and micro-threaded implants at T2 (p-0.001).
Conclusion: Marginal bone loss around rough-surfaced micro-threaded collar implants was significantly lower than machined collar implants.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Imran, Hassam Anjum Mir, Mubashir Sharif, Saad Mansoor, Shoaib Rahim, Afra Ramzan

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