Diabetes mellitus, Dyslipideamia, GlucoseAbstract
Objective: To determine the frequency of dyslipdemias in diabetic patients at Combined Military Hospital Multan.
Study Design: Cross sectional observational
Place and Duration of Study: Department of Medicine, Combined Military Hospital Multan from February 2007 to August 2007.
Patients and Methods: Diabetic patients aged between 30-70 years of either gender and having diabeties for >5years were included in the study. Patients with co-existant hypothyroidism, chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, familial hypercholesteremic syndromes, already on lipid lowering drugs, anti-hypertensive drugs, using beta blockers or thiazide diuretics, obese patients with BMI > 30 and those using alcohol were excluded. Blood samples after overnight 10 hours fasting were taken for plasma glucose, serum total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides. Frequency of dylipideamias was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 10.
Results: Mean age of 200 diabetic patients included in the study was 51±9.47 years (range 34-70 years) and male to female ratio of 1.2:1. Mean fasting plasma glucose levels of the diabetic patients was 8.2 ±2.2 mmol/L. Out of 200 patients, dyslipideamia was present in 163(81.5%) patients. Hypertriglyceridemia was present in 150(75%) patients, raised LDL-cholesterol in 126 (63%) patients, decreased HDL-cholesterol in 119 (59.5%) patients, and raised levels of total cholesterol in 89 (44.5%) of the patients.
Conclusion: Diabetic patients have a high frequency of dyslipidemias especially raised triglycerides, therefore lipid profile is to be checked routinely and its management be given equal importance in addition to glycemic control.