Anxiety, Depression, somatic, Bradford somatic Inventory, Hamilton Rating Scale.Abstract
Objective: To determine the pattern of somatic symptoms in anxiety and depressive disorders.
Design: Cross Sectional Comparative study
Place of Study: Department of Psychiatry Military Hospital Rawalpindi.
Duration of Study: From May to November 2002.
Patients and Methods: Patients divided in Group I anxiety and group II of depression. Fifty patients considered in each group by convenience sampling. The organic basis of their symptoms was ruled out. The patterns of their somatic symptoms and other information like educational and economic status were recorded on semi Structured Performa. The patient's diagnosis was made on schedule based ICD-10 research criteria. The severity of anxiety and depression was assessed by using HARS and HDRS respectively. The pattern of somatic symptoms in both groups was then analyzed by the Urdu version of Bradford Somatic Inventory. Patterns of somatic complaints were then analyzed by chi square test.
Results: N = 100, 50 each in group I (anxiety) and group II (Depression). Males were higher in Depression whereas females were higher in Anxiety Disorder. P value for headache was 0.017 while in rest of the somatic symptoms it was insignificant ranging from 0.4 to 1.
Conclusion: In light of the results obtained in our study we have found that the patterns of somatic symptoms are present in both the groups of anxiety and depression like symptoms related to musculoskeletal and gastrointestinal system is commonly observed in cases of depression whereas symptoms related to autonomic nervous system and cardiovascular system is more significantly somatized in patients of anxiety. A larger sample is required for further studies to get better results.