Immunohistochemical Verification of Oral Dysplasia, Premalignant Lesions and Oral Cancer by Use of Varied Expression of Cytokeratins; A Review
Oral cancer, dysplasia, premalignant lesions, cytokeratins, CK 8/18, immunohistochemistry, oral squamous cell carcinoma, leukoplakia, oral epithelium, keratins, oral premalignant lesions, biomarker.Abstract
Oral cancer, predominantly squamous cell carcinoma, carries high morbidity and disease burden all over the world. Evaluation of the cellular basis of oral carcinogenesis has implied dysregulation in cytokeratins as one of the contributory factors. These intermediate filament proteins of the oral epithelium, guardian of cellular architecture, are known to maintain cellular interactions and are involved in various cell cycle regulation pathways. Oral premalignancy and neoplastic progression are often depicted by disturbed and/or haphazard expression of these cytokeratins. We present a summarized analysis of cytokeratins and explore their diagnostic potential using immunohistochemistry. CK 8/18 is a significant and reliable biomarker of oral precancer and cancer that can be utilized in addition to histopathology for early malignancy screening and intervention.
Moreover, dysplastic oral lesions are attributed to downregulation and/or gradual disappearance of CK 4/13, CK 5/14, and expression of CK 17. Increasing the diagnostic strategy using immunohistochemical techniques on specific cytokeratins and extensive sample studies on premalignant lesions, dysplasia, and oral squamous cell carcinoma can open up many possibilities. Utilizing the enhanced diagnostic spectrum of specific cytokeratins can help clinicians and dental specialists diagnose early, thus timely managing and alleviating suffering associated with oral cancer.
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