Children with Developmental Dysplasia of Hip - Our Experience of Outcome at a Tertiary Care Centre
Osteotomy, Single-stage, Triple procedure.Abstract
Objective: To assess the operative outcome of children who underwent surgical management for developmental dysplasia hip at a tertiary care center.
Study Design: Case series.
Place and Duration of Study: Pak-Emirates Military Hospital, Rawalpindi Pakistan, from Jan to Oct 2021.
Methodology: This case series included 25 children who underwent triple procedure encompassing open reduction, femoral shortening and Salter’s pelvic osteotomy. Post-operative analysis of the clinical outcome was done using McKay’s classification and radiological assessment done using Severin’s classification.
Results: Age of enrolled participants ranged from 02 to 07 years, mean age being 4.3±1.45 years, of which 8(32%) were male and 17(68%) were female. Mean pre-operative acetabular index was 40.3±3.38 while the mean post-operative acetabular index was 25.1±3.10. On follow-up, one child had subluxation while another had complete dislocation of the hip joint.
Conclusion: Triple procedure with open reduction, femoral shortening and Salter’s osteotomy gives satisfactory results in patients aged 2 to 7 with substantial reduction in post-operative acetabular index.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mian Qaisar Ali Shah, Rizwana Bashir Kiani, Asrar Ahmad, Hamza Ali Malik, Javed Ur Rehman, Zahid Anwar

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