Contributing Factors of Non-Adherence to Anti-Diabetic Therapy: A Cross-Sectional   Study from Islamabad, Pakistan


  • Hina Azeez Department of Endocrinology, Federal Government Poly Clinic (Post Graduate Medical Institute), Islamabad Pakistan
  • Gohar Khan Department of Endocrinology, Federal Government Poly Clinic (Post Graduate Medical Institute), Islamabad Pakistan
  • Muhammad Awais Tahir Department of Internal Medicine, Federal Government Poly Clinic (Post Graduate Medical Institute), Islamabad Pakistan



Diabetes mellitus type 2, Medication adherence, Patient adherence


Objective: To assess the non-adherence to anti-diabetic therapy and factors associated with non-adherence.

Study Design: Cross-sectional study.

Place and Duration of Study: Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Federal Government Poly Clinic Postgraduate Medical Institute, Islamabad Pakistan, from Aug to Dec 2021.

Methodology: A total of 245 patients of diabetes were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. Patients aged 18 and 90 years and belonging to either gender were included. Patients with diabetes duration of less than 3 months, having cognitive disorder or inability to answer were excluded.

Results: The mean age of patients was 50.93±10.08 years with equal gender distribution. Non-adherence was found in 117(48%) patients. Forgetfulness was found in 111(94%), unaffordability was reported 44(37.3%), careless attitudes by 41(34.7%), poor tolerability by 57(48.3%) and leaving medicine when feeling better in 41(34.7%) patients, which were all associated with non-adherence (p<0.001). Number of medicines per day (four or more) in 60(50.9%) patients was also found to be associated with non-adherence (p=0.003).

Conclusion: A high proportion of patients of diabetes were found non-adherent to anti diabetic therapy. Forgetfulness, unaffordability and careless patient attitude were factors associated with non-adherence along with increasing number of prescribed medications.


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How to Cite

Hina Azeez, Gohar Khan, Muhammad Awais Tahir. Contributing Factors of Non-Adherence to Anti-Diabetic Therapy: A Cross-Sectional   Study from Islamabad, Pakistan. Pak Armed Forces Med J [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 10];74(4):1147-51. Available from: