The Post-Cementation Periodontal Response to Resin Retained Bridge
Gingival index, Periodontal pocket depth, Periodontal probeAbstract
Objective: To compare the mean periodontal health of resin retained abutment tooth with its baseline score.
Study Design: Quasi-experimental study.
Place and Duration of Study: Department of Prosthodontics, Armed Forces Institute of Dentistry Rawalpindi Pakistan, from Oct 2019 to Mar 2020.
Methodology: Before starting abutment preparation, the baseline scores for gingival index, plaque index and periodontal pocket depth of the abutment teeth were calculated. The gingival index was calculated using a blunt probe, whereas the periodontal pocket depth of the teeth in both groups was calculated using a calibrated periodontal probe.
Results: According to the results recorded there was a significant difference seen in the mean periodontal health of abutment teeth before and after the cementation of the resin-bonded bridge. Our calculated p-value (0.001) indicated definitive significance associated with both the groups i.e., before and after the score of gingival indices and before and after the score of periodontal pocket depth, after 30 days of provision of the resin-bonded bridge.
Conclusion: There was a significant association found in the mean periodontal health of abutment teeth before and after the cementation of the resin-bonded bridge.