HCV Transmission


  • Rao Saad Ali Khan Military Hospital Rawalpindi
  • Shahid Raza Khalid Military Hospital Rawalpindi
  • Muhammad Naseer Military Hospital Rawalpindi
  • Rameesa Mirza Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology, Rawalpindi


Hepatitis C virus, Sexual transmission


Objective: To determine the rate of transmission of HCV between spouses through sexual route.
Study Design: Descriptive study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out at Military Hospital, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. It was conducted over a period of 4 years from June 2009 to June 2013.
Patients and Methods: One hundred and sixty eight consecutive patients confirmed to have HCV infection by PCR for HCV RNA were enrolled in the study. Their spouses were also included in the study, and it was established through PCR for HCV RNA that the spouses were not suffering from HCV infection. All couples were inducted in the study within the first two months of starting the study. Therefore, the maximum and minimum follow-up time was 48 months and 46 months, respectively. The spouses were questioned for HCV risk factors and were tested for HCV antibodies six monthly. Once spouses were found to be anti-HCV positive, their HCV status was confirmed with PCR for HCV RNA.
Results: Out of 168 patients, 90 (53.57%) were males and 78 (46.43%) were females. PCR for HCV RNA was found to be positive in 4 of 168 (2.38%) spouses. All these 4 couples in whom HCV transmission was found had genotype 3a. Out of the 4 spouses who tested positive for HCV RNA PCR, 3 (75%) were females and 1 (25%) was male. So HCV infection was transmitted in 3 out of 90 (3.33 %) and 1 out of 78 (1.28%) female and male spouses, respectively. In PCR for HCV RNA positive and negative spouses, the duration of marriage was 202 ± 53 and 199 ± 49 weeks; and the number of total sexual intercourses was 171 ± 93 and 169 ± 89, respectively.
Conclusion: HCV transmission among serodiscordant couples in our setup did occur. The overall rate of transmission was 2.38%. The rate of transmission from male to female (3.33%) was higher than female to male (1.28%). However, a large scale study conducted over a longer duration of time is needed to recommend protected sex in serodiscordant couples if either partner is suffering from HCV infection.



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Original Articles

How to Cite

Khan RSA, Khalid SR, Naseer M, Mirza R. HCV TRANSMISSION BETWEEN SERODISCORDANT COUPLES THROUGH SEXUAL ROUTE: HCV Transmission. Pak Armed Forces Med J [Internet]. 2014 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];64(2):265-68. Available from: https://pafmj.org/PAFMJ/article/view/731