Breast Cancer: Clinical And Histopathological Features
Breast neoplasms, Histology, Lymph node, Pathology.Abstract
Objective: This study was aimed to evaluate the various clinical and histopathological features of carcinoma of breast in the surgical unit of Combined Military Hospital (CMH) Rawalpindi in an attempt to appraise about the pattern of disease in this setting.
Study Design: Descriptive cross sectional study.
Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted from September 2013 to August 2015 in surgical unit of CMH, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
Material and Methods: A total of 446 female patients diagnosed with carcinoma breast in surgical unit CMH during 2 years were included in this study. Patient’s age, clinical examination and histopathological findings were recorded.
Results: Among the 446 female patients, 269 patients (60.3%) presented in an age group between 40-49 years making it the most common age group. About 393 patients (88.1%) had the tumor size more than 2 cm. The commonest quadrant involved was upper outer quadrant (n=236; 52.9%). Axillary lymph nodes were positive in 76.0% (n=339) of patients. Most common type of carcinoma was invasive ductal carcinoma in 336 patients (75.3%). The disease was left sided in 249 cases. The most common was stage III (n=200) and grade II n=289) carcinoma.
Conclusion: In our settings the breast cancer is affecting the middle age group more commonly with upper outer quadrant being the commonest site and invasive ductal carcinoma being the commonest variant. The majority of patients presented in the later stages of disease with a moderate grade, more common lymph node metastasis and a size larger than 2 cm.