High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) Imaging Features and Disease Severity in Patients with Clinically Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia Having Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension Using Chest CT Severity Score (CHEST CT-SS)
Bronchiectasis, COVID-19, Chest CT severity score, Ground glass opacities, High-resolution computed tomography, Pleural effusions, Severe critical COVID-19 pneumoniaAbstract
Objective: To determine the association of diabetes and hypertension with the severity of disease by evaluation through HighResolution Computed Tomography, keeping a Chest CT severity score of 19.5 or greater as a reference for severe disease.
Study Design: Cross-sectional study.
Place and Duration of Study: Department of Diagnostic Radiology Combined Military Hospital, Okara, Pakistan from Apr
2020 to Mar 2021.
Methodology: A total of 60 patients, both male and female, aged 50 years and above, having SARS -C0V-2 infection confirmed through polymerase chain reaction presenting with the severe disease diabetes, hypertension or both as comorbid were selected. Patients' clinical information was taken from medical records from our data collection centre after informed consent from attendants.
Results: Forty-five (75%) out of 60 patients presenting clinically with severe COVID–19 pneumonia having diabetes mellitus,
hypertension, or both as co-morbids had Chest CT severity score of 19.5 or greater. 15(25%) patients had Chest CT severity
scores of less than 19.5. All the patients had bilateral multi-lobe involvement. 54(90%) patients demonstrated typical imaging features, and 14(23.3%) demonstrated atypical ones.
Conclusions: Patients aged 50 years and above having diabetes, hypertension or both as comorbid presenting clinically with severe disease developed severe critical COVID-19 pneumonia with Chest CT – severity score of 19.5 or greater having typical imaging features on High-resolution computed tomography.
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