Demographics, Daily Sleep Hours, Body Mass Index, and Comorbidities in Overweight People


  • Ayesha Amjad Department of Medicine, University of Lahore, Gujrat Campus Gujrat Pakistan
  • Saeed Bin Ayaz Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Combined Military Hospital, Jhelum/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Pakistan
  • Fawad Rahman Department of Medicine, Combined Military Hospital, Multan/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Pakistan
  • Ahmad Jamal Department of Medicine, University of Lahore, Gujrat Campus Gujrat Pakistan
  • Naureen Tassadaq Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Fauji Foundation Hospital, Rawalpindi Pakistan
  • Sonia Iqbal Department of Medicine, University of Lahore, Gujrat Campus Gujrat Pakistan



Pain intensity, blood pressure, body mass index, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, pain measurement.


Objective: To explore the association of knee pain intensity with demographics, body mass index, daily sleep hours and comorbidities in overweight people.

Study Design: Cross-sectional study.

Place and Duration of Study: Different Clinics of Wazirabad City, Pakistan, from Oct 2020 to May 2021.

Methodology: People with knee pain for >1 month and a body mass index of ≥25 kg/m2 were included and questioned regarding variables of interest. The pain was graded according to the Numerical Rating Scale.

Results: Of 335 individuals (mean age: 31±7 years), 189(56.4%) were males, and 199(59.4%) were married. The mean systolicand diastolic blood pressures were 124.4±7.9 mmHg and 85.3±7.2 mmHg, respectively. The mean sleep hours were 7±0.8 hours,while the mean body mass index was 30.1±2 kg/m2. The mean pain score was 2.8±1. Pain intensity had a significant positive correlation with age (p<0.001), body mass index (p=0.041), systolic and diastolic blood pressures (p<0.001 each). Similarly, pain intensity was significantly higher in people who were married (p<0.001) or had diabetes mellitus or hypertension (p<0.001 each).

Conclusion: Knee pain intensity increases with age, body mass index, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and it decreases with increasing sleep hours.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Amjad A, Ayaz SB, Rahman F, Jamal A, Tassadaq N, Iqbal S. Demographics, Daily Sleep Hours, Body Mass Index, and Comorbidities in Overweight People. Pak Armed Forces Med J [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 28 [cited 2025 Jan. 24];74(1):234-7. Available from: