Factors Influencing The Educational Achievements of Student Nurses in an Armed ForcesNursing School
Academic performance, Home-associated factors, School-associated factors, Teacher-associated factorsAbstract
Objective: To determine the factors affecting the educational achievements of student nurses in armed forces nursing school.
Study Design: Mixed method explanatory sequential study.
Place and Duration of Study: PNS Shifa Naval Hospital Karachi, Pakistan from Sep 2020 to Jan 2021.
Methodology: The quantitative phase of study was conducted using self-administered questionnaire with mostly closed ended questions. Each questionnaire comprised of age, gender, marital status, family income, urban/rural background, type of previous school, and entry grade. The questionnaire had 40 items, classified as: Student associated factors, Hostel-associated factors, School-associated factors and Teacher-associated factors. The qualitative data was collected in second phase, from student nurses who had either had good or poor academic grades. The participants were selected through purposeful opportunistic sampling techniques.
Results: A total of 108 nursing students having a mean age of 23.37±4.135 years were included. The school associated factors had the highest impact with a mean value of 3.564±1.23. This was followed by low impact of teacher related factors having a mean value of 3.072±1.09 and hostel related factors having a mean value of 2.992±1.31. Whereas, student related factors having a mean value of 1.930±1.04 had the lowest influence on educational performance of student nurses.
Conclusion: School associated factors had high impact whereas teacher associated, hostel associated and student associated factors had low influence on educational performance of student nurses.
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