Post-Burn Sceptic Limb in Epileptic Sudani Young Man


  • Abdul Waheed Khan Department of Surgery, Combined Military Hospital, Hyderabad/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Pakistan
  • Hassan Jaffar Department of Surgery, Combined Military Hospital, Hyderabad/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Pakistan
  • Tarique Ahmad Maka Department of ENT, Combined Military Hospital, Mangla/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Pakistan



Epilepsy, Burns, Split-thickness skin graft


Burns in epileptic patients are not uncommon, but it is difficult to manage in remote areas of third-world countries.
Despite the reduction in burn injuries secondary to a seizure, such injuries still lead to significant morbidity and mortality. In
Darfur, Sudan, we managed such an epileptic patient having a full-thickness burn endangering the limb and life. Since these
patients should adhere to a specific medication, controlling it remains to be difficult. The patient was managed with serial
debridement, dressings, antibiotics, anti-epileptics and a protein diet. Therefore, preparation for preventive strategies consists of lifestyle modification and patient education that is further warranted.


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Case Reports

How to Cite

Khan AW, Hassan Jaffar, Tarique Ahmad Maka. Post-Burn Sceptic Limb in Epileptic Sudani Young Man. Pak Armed Forces Med J [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];73(6):1874-6. Available from: