Organophosphate Poisoning
Intensive care unit, Organophosphate, PralidoximeAbstract
Objective: To determine the various demographic factors, clinical features, management and outcome of organophosphate poisoning in an intensive care unit (ICU) setting.
Study Design: Descriptive, quantitative study.
Place and Duration of Study: ICU of PNS Shifa hospital, Karachi. From February 2008-February 2010.
Patients and Methods: Total of 40 patients were admitted in the ICU of PNS Shifa hospital, Karachi from Feb 2008- Feb 2010 with the history of organophosphate (OP) ingestion. A complete history was taken from the patients and relatives. Baseline laboratory investigations were done. All the data was tabulated on a structured proforma after taking consent from the relatives. Variables of the study were demographic factors as gender, age, cause and mode of poisoning, clinical course, ICU management and its outcome.
Results: Out of 40 patients 32 (80%) were females and 8 (20%) were males. The age varied from 12–56 years. Twenty eight (70%) were in the 14-28 years age group. Twenty nine (72%) had poison for suicidal purpose and rest had the insecticide accidently. Twenty six (62%) of them were unmarried. In 38 (95%) patients the clinical features of parasympathetic overactivity was observed. All these patients were given atropine and pralidoxime. Fifteen (37%) patients required mechanical ventilation. Five (12%) out of these patients developed ventilator associated pneumonia. The time duration of mechanical ventilation was 1-3 weeks. All the patients were successfully recovered. Total duration of hospital stay in our patients was 2-4 weeks.
Conclusion: Early and aggressive management of organophosphate poisoning in an ICU setting reduces not only the mortality but also decreases the duration of hospital stay.