Aero digestive tract, Bronchus, Esophagus, Foreign bodyAbstract
Objective: To find out the pattern of foreign bodies inhaled or ingested in a series of patients.
Study Design: Case series.
Place and Duration of Study: Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) department, Pak Emirates Military Hospital (PEMH)
Rawalpindi, Jan 2016 to Dec 2016.
Methodology: A total of 46 cases of foreign body upper aero digestive tract who presented in the ENT
Department, PEMH Rawalpindi in 2016 were included in this study. Twenty eight cases were of foreign body
esophagus and 18 were of foreign body airway. The age, gender, duration of foreign body lodgment, types of
foreign body’s physical signs and symptoms were recorded. Relevant radiographic studies were performed.
Results: Out of 46 patients of foreign body aero digestive tract 33 were males and 13 were females. The overall
frequency of foreign bodies’ upper aero digestive tract was 46 (0.14%) with 28 (0.08%) being foreign bodies
esophagus and 18 (0.06%) foreign bodies airway. In 50% cases of bronchial foreign bodies were in age group 0-3 years. The most frequent foreign body in the esophagus was coin in 13(46.4%) followed by chicken bone 5 (17.8%) and fish bone 3 (10.7%). Peanuts, peas, and beans were predominant component of the airway foreign bodies constituting 6 (33.3%), 3 (16.6%) and 3 (16.6%) respective of the total. Most frequent sites of impaction of the foreign body were cervical esophagus 16 (34%), right main bronchus 11 (23.9%) and left main bronchus 3 (6.5%).
Conclusion: Foreign body aero digestive tract is an uncommon but potentially life..........