Hospital Environment, Mental Health and Turnover Intention among Doctors of Lahore


  • Ambreen Anjum Islamia University of Bahawalpur Pakistan
  • Muhammad Atif Government Muhammadan Anglo Oriental College Lahore Pakistan
  • Tahira Anwar Government Muhammadan Anglo Oriental College Lahore Pakistan



Hospital environment, Hospital, Mental health, Turnover intention


Objective: To assess the relationship between hospital environment, mental health and turnover intention among doctors.

Study Design: Cross-sectional analytical study.

Place and Duration of Study: Mayo Hospital Lahore and Jinnah Hospital, Lahore Pakistan, from Feb to July 2019.

Methodology: Using convenient sampling, a sample of 100 doctors (males=50 and females=50) was recruited. This study did not include participants with less than one year of work experience. The hospital environment was examined using the Organizational Environment Scale. The mental health of doctors was assessed using the Mental Wellbeing Scale, and their turnover was measured through the Turnover Intention Scale.

Results: Hospital environment and doctors’ mental health positively correlated (p<0.001). Doctors who perceived the hospital environment as good had good mental health and less intention to turnover their jobs (p<0.001). Furthermore, female doctors had poorer health and higher turnover intention than male doctors (p<0.001).

Conclusion: The hospital environment affects doctors’ mental health. A good hospital environment significantly positively predicted good mental health.


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How to Cite

Anjum A, Atif M, Tahira Anwar. Hospital Environment, Mental Health and Turnover Intention among Doctors of Lahore. Pak Armed Forces Med J [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 28 [cited 2024 Sep. 21];74(1):129-32. Available from: