Homocysteine levels, Risk factors, Stroke in youngAbstract
Objective: To determine the frequency of raised levels of homocysteine and associated socio-demographic factors among the young patients presenting with stroke at the neurology department of a tertiary care hospital of Pakistan.
Study Design: Cross-sectional analytical study.
Place and Duration of Study: Pak Emirates Military Hospital Rawalpindi, from May 2017 to May 2018.
Methodology: The sample population comprised of young patients (18-44 years) presenting with the stroke at the emergency department of Military Hospital Rawalpindi. CT-scan brain was done and a consultant neurologist was consulted to confirm the stroke and its type. Fasting homocysteine level was done with in twenty four hours of the acute presentation at the hospital. Age, gender, body mass index, type of stroke, smoking, family history of stroke and hyperlipidemeia were correlated with the presence of raised homocysteine levels among these patients of stroke in young.
Results: Out of 102 young patients confirmed with acute stroke on CT scan at the neurology department, 57 had presence of hyperhomocysteinemia while 45 patients had normal homocysteine levels. Mean age of the study participants was 30.66 ± 3.445. High body mass index and tobacco smoking had a significant relationship with the presence of raised homocysteine levels among these patients of stroke in young when binary logistic regression was applied.
Conclusion: Raised homocysteine levels should be considered a possibility while evaluating the patients of stroke especially those who are young.