
  • Farjad Afzal University of Sargodha, Sargodha Pakistan
  • Sidra Manzoor Lyallpur Campus University of Sargodha, Faisalabad Pakistan


Cerebral palsy, Functional training, Parents, Stationary cycling, Strengthening, Treadmill


Objective: To find the effectiveness of physical therapy treatment in the form of treadmill training, stationary cycling training, sit to stand exercises, knee walking and walking with minimum support.

Study Design: Quasi experimental study.

Place and Duration of Study: Setting of study was a special school in Pakistan. Therapy was carried out two days in a week for 12 months; the duration of single session was 2 hours, from Nov 2013 to Nov 2014.

Material and Methods: Study was conducted on children with athetoid cerebral palsy, visiting for physical therapy treatment in a special school with physical therapy rehabilitation center. Seven children with inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected for therapy and informed consent was taken from parents. Interventions were treadmill training, stationary cycling training, sit to stand exercises, knee walking and walking with minimum
assistant. Outcome measurement tools were gross motor functional measure (GMFM-88), walking distance, 01 minute walk test and 6 minutes walk test. Pre treatment measurements were taken on gross motor functional measure (GMFM-88, walking distance, 1 minute walk test and 6 minutes walk test and measurements were repeated after 1 year on same scales.

Results: Pre treatment score on gross motor functional measure was 49.36 ± 30.79 and after 12 months was 69.78 ± 25.55. Pre-intervention standing mean time was 10 ± 5 sec with minimum support without losing balance and post intervention standing time was 10 ± 4 minutes without losing balance and without support. Pre intervention walking distance was 2 ± 1 steps in 6 minutes walk test and also in one minute walk test, with minimum support without losing balance and post intervention walking distance was 100 ± 12 steps in 6 minutes walk test and 20 ± 8 steps in 1 minute walk test without losing balance and without support.

Conclusion: Treadmill, Stationary cycling with adjustable seat and resistance, strengthening exercises with manual resistance, Functional training, quadriceps build up training, standing activity and walking training activity in combination have significant effects on gross motor function measure, trunk stability, standing time and walking distance in children with athetoid cerebral palsy.


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How to Cite

Afzal F, Manzoor S. EFFECTS OF PHYSICAL THERAPY TREATMENT IN CHILDREN WITH ATHETOID CEREBRAL PALSY. Pak Armed Forces Med J [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];69(3):460-64. Available from: https://pafmj.org/PAFMJ/article/view/3009