Intubating Conditions, heart rate (HR), Rocuronium, SuxamethoniumAbstract
Objective: To compare the Intubating Conditions and Changes in heart rate (HR) achieved after Suxamethonium Chloride and Rocuronium Bromide, during intubation, in patients between ages 11-50 years out of which 4 were in paediatric age group(11-12 years ) and 46 in adult age group(19-50years).
Place and Duration: This study was conducted at the Armed Forces Hospital Sharourah Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during six months period starting from 01/02/09.
Patients and Methods: Fifty patients aged between 11-50 years, 4 including in paediatric age group(11-12 years) and 46 in adult age group(19-50 years), requiring general anesthesia for various surgical procedures, were randomly divided in to two groups, i.e. Group A in which Rocuronium bromide, 0.9 mg kg-1 was given for intubation {(n=25) (23 adults, 2 children)} Group B in which Suxamethonium chloride 1.5 mg kg -1 was used for intubation {(n=25) ) (23 adults, 2 children)} Intubating conditions were observed at 60 seconds after intravenous bolus administration of suxamethonium or Rocuronium. HR was also observed immediately before induction (Pre- Op), at 60 seconds after bolus of Suxamethonium or Rocuronium (Immediately after relaxation), Immediately after intubation and then five minutes after intubation.
Results: Intubating conditions were rated as excellent in 96 %( n=24 Twenty two adults two children) and good in 4 %( n=1 Adult) of the patients who received Rocuronium and excellent in 100% of the patients who received Suxamethonium. There were no statistically significant changes observed in HR at all observation times between the two groups.
Conclusion: It is concluded from this study that intubation can be performed under good to excellent conditions at 60 seconds after a bolus dose of Rocuronium of 0.9 mg kg-1. As far as affect on HR are concerned, our study indicate no significant difference between the two drugs. The result of this study indicates that to facilitate intubation using rapid sequence induction technique Rocuronium is a reasonably good alternative to Suxamethonium.