Detrusor Hyper-reflexia
Detrusor hyperreflexia, urinary incontinence, cerebrovascular accident, urodynamic studyAbstract
Objectives: To determine the frequency of urinary incontinence due to detrusor hyperreflexia and to check any effect of sex and pathology on detrusor hyperreflexia in stroke.
Type of Study: Descriptive
Place and Duration of Study: This descriptive study carried out at Armed Forces Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Rawalpindi, over one year from august 2003 to august 2004.
Material and Methods: Fifty-six (56) adult cases from both sex having urological complaints after cerebrovascular accidents were assessed both clinically and urodynamically for frequency of Detrusor Hyperreflexia leading to urinary incontinence.
Results: Detrusor hyperreflexia was present in 62.5% of cases. Increased percentage of Detrusor hyperreflexia was found in thrombotic stroke as compared to haemorrhagic stroke. The female population showed slightly increased percentage of detrusor hyperreflexia i.e. 61.5% as compared to 60.5% in males. However, the effects of sex and pathology on presence of detrusor hyperreflexia were not statistically significant as the P-values were greater than 0.05. .
Conclusion: Urodynamic studies were found to be only investigation, which can confirm the presence of detrusor hyperreflexia and provide basis for rationale therapeutics in the management of this condition.