Communication Skills Workshop
Communication skills,, Patient satisfaction, WorkshopAbstract
Objective: To assess the role of workshop in communication skills training of doctors resulting in better healthcare delivery.
Study Design: Quasi-experimental interventional study.
Place and Duration of Study: Combined Military Hospital Bahawalpur, from Jun 2013 to Aug 2013.
Material and Methods: The participants were divided into two groups, those who received the intervention (n=10) and those who received the placebo (n=5). Intervention was offered in the shape of a workshop that imparted knowledge via lectures and handouts and skill and attitude via audiovisual tapes and role playing. The placebo comprised of an academic workshop which had nothing to do with communication skills. The patients of both groups of doctors were given DISQ (Doctors interpersonal skills questionnaire) and their level of satisfaction based on their interaction with the doctors was evaluated.
Results: The overall reliability of the study design and the method of its administration, pre and post the administration of the intervention was 93.2% and were deemed high enough to be considered reliable. The patients of doctors who received the intervention scored a mean of 37.2350 on DISQ with SD of ± 8.68139 before intervention and mean of 42.0550 with SD of ± 10.22176 after intervention. The patients of doctors who received the placebo scored a mean of 35.7100 with a SD of ± 9.81166 before placebo and mean of 36.5900 with SD of ± 8.55770 after placebo. The p-value was =0.001 (highly significant) when intervention group was compared before intervention and after intervention. However p-value was 0.433 (not significant) when control group was compared before and after placebo.
Conclusion: Doctors who received the workshop designed to enhance the effectiveness of their communication skills were able to satisfy their patients to a greater degree compared as to those who received the placebo.
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