A 29 year old male was referred to our hospital complaining of a painless scrotal mass that had enlarged over a five year period. He had no constitutional symptoms and denied any history of scrotal trauma. The patient was on ATT (antituberculosis treatment) for 3 months. Physical examination was normal except for the presence of a solid mass in the spermatic cord which was separate from the testicles or epididymides. Scrotal ultrasonography demonstrated that the both testicles and epididymides were normal and a cystic mass measuring 1.3 x 2.0 x 2.2 cm with solid component in the region of right spermatic cord separate from testis was demonstrated.
The spermatic cord swelling was excised and sent for histopathology. Leiomyoma was the final histologic diagnosis. Nuclei were cigar shaped uniform looking. Mitosis not seen. Von Gieson stain showed positivity for smooth muscle fibres. No evidence of malignancy was seen. The patient’s postoperative recovery was uneventful.