Acute Renal Injury in Patients with ARDS: Presence and Associated Factors

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  • Sumbul Shahzadi Department of Medicine, Combined Military Hospital Rawalpindi/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Pakistan
  • Fuad Ahmad Siddiqi Department of Medicine, Combined Military Hospital Rawalpindi/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Pakistan
  • Imran Khan Department of Medicine, Combined Military Hospital Rawalpindi/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Pakistan
  • Kanaz Ahmad Siddiqi Department of Medicine, Combined Military Hospital Rawalpindi/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Pakistan
  • Amen Ejaz Department of Medicine, Combined Military Hospital Rawalpindi/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Pakistan
  • Ayesha Ashraf Cheema Department of Medicine, Combined Military Hospital Rawalpindi/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Pakistan



Acute Kidney injury, AKI, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), Sepsis


Objective: To determine the occurrence of Acute Renal Injury in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome patients along with 
contribution of co-morbidities and risk factors for the development of AKI.
Study Design: Comparative Cross Sectional study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was done at medical ICU, Department of Medicine, Combined Military Hospital 
(CMH), Rawalpindi from Jan 2023 to Oct 2023.
Methodology: A total of 68 patients, with confirmed ARDS, 18yrs or above were included. The presence of co-morbidities in 
all patients was recorded. Patients BMI and SOFA score were calculated. Patients were divided as Group 1 (those who 
develop AKI) and Group 2 (those who did not develop AKI). On the basis of serum creatinine level group 1 patients were 
further categorized into three groups: stage I AKI, stage II AKI, and stage III AKI. The median (IQR) was calculated for nonnormal variables. Chi-square test, unpaired t-test, and Mann-Whitney U test were applied and p≤0.05 was taken as statistically 
Results: Acute Kidney Injury was observed in 39(57.4%) patients (Group 1) while 29(42.6%) patients did not develop any AKI 
(Group 2). Group 1, had a significantly higher BMI, SOFA score, Comorbidities like Diabetes Mellitus (DM), Malignancies and 
liver Disease. Non-pulmonary sepsis was high in Group 2. There was a statistically significant association between AKI stages 
and specific characteristics.
Conclusion: AKI was quite common among ARDS individual. A Higher BMI, SOFA score, presence of DM, active malignancy, 
liver and cardiac illness showed strong association with the development of AKI.


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Table-II: Stratification of AKI staging with respect to BMI, Sofa, DM, Sepsis, Liver disease and Malignancy (n=68)

Characteristics Stage Total p-value No AKI Stage-I Stage-II Stage-III

-25 14(73.7%) 1(5.3%) 2(10.5%) 2(10.5%) 19(27.9%)

BMI 26-30 10(45.5%) 3(13.6%) 5(22.7%) 4(18.2%) 22(32.4%) 0.009

>30 5(18.5%) 2(7.4%) 7(25.9%) 13(48.1%) 27(39.7%)

Sofa <10 23(74.1%) 3(9.7%) 3(9.7%) 2(6.5%) 31(45.6%)

<0.0001 >10 6(16.2%) 3(8.1%) 11(29.7%) 17(45.9%) 37(54.4%)

DM Yes 6(25.0%) 1(4.2%) 2(8.3%) 15(62.5%) 24(35.3%)

<0.0001 No 23(52.3%) 5(11.4%) 12(27.3%) 4(9.1%) 44(64.7%)

Sepsis Yes (23.3%) 2(6.7%) 10(33.3%) 11(36.7%) 30(44.1%)

014 No 22(57.9%) 4(10.5%) 4(10.5%) 8(21.1%) 38(55.9%)

Liver Disease Yes 5(25.0%) 0 5(25.0%) 10(50.0%) 20(29.4%) 0.021

No 24(50.0%) 6(12.5%) 9(18.8%) 9(18.8%) 48(70.6%)

Malignancy Yes 4(22.1%) 1(5.6%) 3(16.7%) 10(55.6%) 18(26.5%) 0.023

No 25(50.0%) 5(10.0%) 11(22.0%) 9(18.0%) 50(73.0%)

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Original Articles

How to Cite

Shahzadi S, Siddiqi FA, Khan I, Siddiqi KA, Ejaz A, Cheema AA. Acute Renal Injury in Patients with ARDS: Presence and Associated Factors: Same as above . Pak Armed Forces Med J [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];74(SUPPL-2):S315-S319. Available from: