Tuberculosis of Pubic Symphysis – A Case Report
Contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (CEMRI), Tuberculosis, Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Pubic SymphysisAbstract
Tuberculosis is one of the major health issues in developing countries, including Pakistan, causing significant morbidity and
mortality. As far as extra-pulmonary sites of tuberculosis are concerned, pubic symphysis is a relatively uncommon site. We
are reporting a unique case of tuberculosis at this rare site. A 42-year-old female reported complaints of groin pain, fever and numbness in their legs for one day. After all the investigations, the patient was put on a quadruple Anti-Tuberculosis Therapy(ATT) according to the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines. The patient completed the ATTcourse for seven months and was symptom-free. She was advised to follow up on a CT scan after three months to look for a recurrence of the infection.
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