Role of Salter Osteotomy In Improving Acetabular Index of Ddh Patients Measured By Radiography Pre-Op and Post-Op
Acetabular index; Developmental dysplasia of the hip; Salter OsteotomyAbstract
Objective: To look for improvement in acetabular index of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) patients measured by radiography before and after salter osteotomy
Study Design: Cross-sectional Study
Place and Duration of Study: Orthopedics Department Combined Military Hospital, Rawalpindi Pakistan, July 2022 to June 2023.
Methodology: All the children between the age of 18 months and 4 years who were diagnosed as developmental dysplasia of the hip by consultant orthopedic surgeon were recruited for this study. They underwent all baseline investigations including relevant radiographs of pelvis. All the patients underwent Salter osteotomy in our hospital by orthopedic team lead by a senior consultant. Acetabular index was measured on radiographs of pelvis before surgery and then 8 weeks after the surgery in all the study patients. Change in acetabular index before and after the surgery (if any) was recorded for all the children who were included in the study.
Results: A total of 67 children between the 18 of 18 months and 4 years presenting with developmental dysplasia of the hip were included in final analysis. Mean age of children recruited in our study was 31.23±8.01months. Mean acetabular index on pelvic radiographs of children before Salter osteotomy was 32.25±3.770 while after surgery it was 19.16±5.250 (p-value<0.001).
Conclusion: Salter osteotomy emerged as an effective procedure for children having developmental dysplasia of the hip. Acetabular index calculated on pelvic radiographs was significantly found decreased after eight weeks of surgery in children included in the study.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Hafiz Faiz ur Rehman, Main Qaiser Ali Shah, Muhammad Labib ., Muhammad Nouman Iqbal, Bilal Ahmad Qureshi

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