Impacts of Problematic Internet use Among Adolescents of Pakistan: A Qualitative Inquiry


  • Kiran Saleem Department of Psychology, National Institute of Psychology, Islamabad Pakistan
  • Nelofar Kiran Rauf Department of Psychology, National Institute of Psychology, Islamabad Pakistan



Adolescents, Internet use, Internet addiction disorder, Protective factors.


Objective: To explore the impacts of problematic Internet use among adolescents of Pakistan.

Study Design: Qualitative study (Interpretive Paradigm).

Place and Duration of Study: National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad Pakistan, from Nov 2020 to Jan 2021.

Methodology: For the indigenous exploration of problematic Internet use and its impacts on adolescents of Pakistan, eight focus group discussions were carried out online. Half of the focus group discussions were conducted with adolescents (13-19 years) and the remaining half were done with parents of adolescents. Data was transcribed and thematic analysis was done.

Results: Three main themes, including contributing factors to adolescents’ problematic Internet use, impact of problematic Internet use, and protective factors, emerged. Majority of the themes were in line with existing literature such as contributing & protective factors of adolescents’ problematic Internet use, impacts of problematic Internet use on the lifestyle, social & academic life, physical, developmental and mental health of adolescents. A few positive impacts of Internet use were also identified which were also found parallel to the previous literature. The new identified theme in the current data was identified as cultural impacts that were indigenous to Pakistani society. Codes that emerged under this theme included, degeneration of Muslim society, challenging social/religious norms, more demands for privacy, weakening of family system, generation gap, brand consciousness and acculturation.

Conclusion: The study provides insight to the detrimental impacts of problematic Internet use among adolescents of Pakistan, which includ

Conclusion: The study provides insight for the detrimental impacts of problematic internet...


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How to Cite

Kiran Saleem, Nelofar Kiran Rauf. Impacts of Problematic Internet use Among Adolescents of Pakistan: A Qualitative Inquiry. Pak Armed Forces Med J [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];74(4):1114-20. Available from: