Self-Archiving Policy

1. Introduction

PAFMJ encourages authors to engage in self-archiving, aiming to enhance the dissemination and accessibility of research findings while respecting copyright and licensing agreements. This policy outlines the conditions and guidelines for authors who wish to self-archive their work.

2. Types of Self-Archiving

Preprint Archives:

Authors are encouraged to share preprints of their manuscripts on recognized preprint servers before formal peer review.

Institutional Repositories:

Authors may deposit the accepted, peer-reviewed version of their manuscript (postprint) in their institutional repository immediately upon publication.

Personal and Non-Commercial Websites:

Authors can share the final published version (publisher's PDF) on their personal or non-commercial websites after the embargo period defined by the journal.

3. Embargo Period

There is no embargo period and authors are free to self-archive without restrictions.

4. Conditions for Self-Archiving

Full Citation:

Authors must provide a full citation to the original PAFMJ publication when self-archiving.

Link to Published Version:

Authors should include a link to the official PAFMJ version of the article when self-archiving.

Non-Commercial Use:

Self-archiving is permitted for non-commercial purposes only.

Compliance with Copyright:

Authors must adhere to copyright agreements, ensuring compliance with any licensing terms associated with the published work.

5. Exceptions

Restricted Articles:

Some articles may have restrictions on self-archiving due to third-party content or other legal considerations. Authors will be notified in such cases.

Journal Discretion:

PAFMJ reserves the right to reconsider or modify the self-archiving policy at its discretion, considering changes in industry standards or legal requirements.

6. Notification to PAFMJ

Authors are encouraged to inform PAFMJ when they engage in self-archiving, providing details such as the platform used, and the version archived.

7. Continuous Review and Updates

This policy will undergo periodic review to ensure alignment with evolving industry standards and legal requirements.

Updates to the self-archiving policy will be made as necessary, and authors will be notified of any changes.