Correction, Retraction, and Editorial Expressions of Concern Policy

1. Introduction

The Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal (PAFMJ) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and accuracy in published content. This policy outlines the procedures for handling corrections, retractions, and editorial expressions of concern to address issues related to the integrity and accuracy of published material.

2. Definitions

Correction: A notice to rectify errors in published content that do not significantly impact the overall validity and reliability of the work.

Retraction: The formal withdrawal or removal of published content due to substantial errors, ethical concerns, or other serious issues that affect the validity of the work.

Editorial Expression of Concern: An editorial notice expressing concern about the integrity or reliability of published content pending further investigation.

3. Grounds for Corrections, Retractions, or Expressions of Concern

3.1 Errors:

Corrections are issued for errors in published content, such as typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that do not compromise the overall validity of the work.

3.2 Substantial Errors:

Retractions are considered for content with substantial errors, misleading information, ethical concerns, plagiarism, or other serious issues that significantly impact the validity and reliability of the work.

3.3 Unresolved Concerns:

Editorial Expressions of Concern are issued when concerns are raised about the integrity or reliability of published content, pending further investigation.

4. Procedures for Corrections

4.1 Author-initiated Corrections:

Authors are encouraged to promptly notify the editorial office of any errors requiring correction, providing a detailed explanation and proposed corrections.

4.2 Editorial-initiated Corrections:

The editorial team may identify errors during routine checks and may initiate corrections in consultation with the authors.

4.3 Publication of Corrections:

Corrections are promptly published in the journal, clearly indicating the nature of the error and the corrected information.

5. Procedures for Retractions

5.1 Author-initiated Retractions:

Authors may request retractions, providing a detailed explanation and justification for the retraction.

5.2 Editorial-initiated Retractions:

The editorial team may initiate retractions in cases of serious errors, ethical concerns, or other issues affecting the validity and reliability of the work.

5.3 Publication of Retractions:

Retractions are published prominently in the journal, clearly stating the reasons for retraction and providing correct information if applicable.

6. Procedures for Editorial Expressions of Concern

6.1 Identification of Concerns:

The editorial team identifies concerns about the integrity or reliability of published content.

6.2 Publication of Editorial Expressions of Concern:

Editorial Expressions of Concern are published in the journal, pending further investigation. The notice outlines the nature of the concerns and the steps being taken to address them.

7. Communication with Authors

7.1 Author Notification:

Authors are promptly informed of corrections, retractions, or editorial expressions of concern and are given an opportunity to respond.

7.2 Author Cooperation:

Authors are encouraged to cooperate with the editorial team in resolving issues related to corrections, retractions, or expressions of concern.

8. Record-Keeping and Transparency

8.1 Record-Keeping:

A record of corrections, retractions, and editorial expressions of concern is maintained for transparency and accountability.

8.2 Transparent Communication:

The editorial team communicates transparently with readers, authors, and the scientific community about corrections, retractions, and expressions of concern.

9. Review and Updates

This policy will be periodically reviewed to ensure its effectiveness. Updates will be made as necessary to enhance the handling of corrections, retractions, and expressions of concern.

This Corrections, Retractions, and Editorial Expressions of Concern Policy aims to ensure transparency, integrity, and accountability in handling issues related to the accuracy and reliability of published content in PAFMJ.