Copyright Statement

Any article submitted to PAFMJ must not be previously submitted to any other journal and must not be published in part or total. The authors will be requested to sign an agreement to give copyright to the publishers. The authors will also be requested to assist the editors in final proof reading of their articles before publication.

  • On submitting article to PAFMJ we agree that all copyright ownership is transferred to the PAFMJ even the article can be declined after the acceptance as per decision of the competent authorities.
  • All the content available on PAFMJ website is the property of PAFMJ if created by PAFMJ, or of the person or entity who or which owned it prior to submission to PAFMJ.
  • The copyright in the text of individual articles (including research articles, review articles, book reviews, conference proceedings and abstracts) is not the property of PAFMJ, and its ownership is not affected by its submission or publication by PAFMJ.


PAFMJ has policy on data sharing. We require that the data generated by research supporting the article be made openly and publicly available upon publication of article.  PAFMJ require data from clinical trials to be made available upon reasonable request.

Clinical trials that begin enrolling participants on or after 1 January 2019 must include a data sharing plan in the trial's registration according to the ICMJE's policy regarding trial registration. If the data sharing plan changes after registration this should be reflected in the statement submitted and published with the manuscript, and updated in the registry record.

Data sharing statements indicates the following: whether individual deidentified participant data (including data dictionaries) what data in particular is shared; whether additional, related documents is available (e.g., study protocol,  informed consent form,statistical analysis plan, clinical study report etc.); when the data is available and for how long; by what access criteria data is shared (including with whom, for what types of analyses, and by what mechanism).Data are available indefinitely immediately after publication of article.