
  • Hassan Mumtaz KRL Hospital, Islamabad Pakistan https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2881-2556
  • Nahdia Zaman Holy Family Hospital, Islamabad Pakistan
  • Anam Zafar Holy Family Hospital, Islamabad Pakistan
  • Tariq Saeed Holy Family Hospital, Islamabad Pakistan
  • Shahzaib Ahmad King Edward Medical University, Lahore Pakistan




Clostridium tetani, Muscle spasms, Preventive Medicine, skin tagging, Neuromuscular disease


Tetanus is initiated by the release of neurotoxins. The progressive paralysis of several muscles is due to contamination of the wound by the toxin. The case under discussion was about a patient with the tetanus infection after ear piercing due to unsterilized instruments and lack of awareness of complications. Due to the late presentation to the hospital, leading to a delay in treatment, the child could not survive. Physicians need to have a vigilant eye to have a high suspicion for tetanus at a very early stage and immediate initiation of advanced critical care, which can favour lifesaving interventions. Prophylactic tetanus toxoid should be administered before any body piercing


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Author Biographies

  • Hassan Mumtaz, KRL Hospital, Islamabad Pakistan

    I am working as a Medical Officer at the Clinical Research Center in Shifa International Hospital. It is the national biggest center running up Phase 3 trials COVID-19 CanSino Vaccine. I was working as a House Physician in the Covid ICU as part of critical care management team, KRL Hospital Islamabad. My role basically involved monitoring the covid affected critical patients, running the Fever clinic & Covid-19 vaccination center. Before that, I worked as a House Surgeon in the Department of Surgery in KRL Hospital which included Urology & Orthopeadics as well. Previously i have worked as a House Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine- Pediatrics for 4.5 months at Holy Family Hospital / Rawalpindi Medical University, Pakistan, where i was in the front line health workers team .
    After graduating with my MBBS degree from Islamabad Medical & Dental College, Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University in January 2020. I have done my Clinical Electives in the department of Urology, Guy’s & St Thomas Hospital, London Uk for 7 weeks. I have also carried out a Quality Improvement Project/Clinical Audit during my time in UK. Along with that I have also shadowed a General Physician for a week at Surrey Docks Health Centre, London Uk. 

    I am an active member of Society International de Urology (SIU), International Association of Oncology (IAO), Society For Advancement of Otorhinolaryngology (SFAO), American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) and the Jamila Sultana Foundation (NGO arranging Blood volunteers for Thalasemia Patients). I have done multiple online courses from World Health Organization (WHO), Harvard Medical School, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. 

    I have presented a case on Non Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer at a webinar organized with collaboration of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow & Pakistan Association of Urological Surgeons. I have also been awarded certificate of Appreciation as Front Line Health Worker for delivering extra ordinary performance above & beyond the call of duty during COVID 19 pandemic. I am an American Heart Association certified BLS provider.

    I have peer-reviewed 20 Research articles and 16 Case Reports in well reputed Journals to my name. I am the reviewer for Cureus Journal of Medical Science, SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine, Journal of Renal & Hepatic Disorders, Journal of Clinical Urology, Journal of Rawalpindi Medical College & Journal of Kidney Cancer and VHL.

  • Nahdia Zaman, Holy Family Hospital, Islamabad Pakistan

    Senior Registrar : Paediatrics

  • Anam Zafar, Holy Family Hospital, Islamabad Pakistan

    Senior Registrar: Paediatrics

  • Tariq Saeed, Holy Family Hospital, Islamabad Pakistan

    Associate Professor of Paediatrics

    Head of Department






Case Reports

How to Cite

Mumtaz H, Zaman N, Zafar A, Saeed T, Ahmad S. EAR PIERCING: A GATEWAY TO TETANUS. Pak Armed Forces Med J [Internet]. 2022 May 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];72(2):725-26. Available from: https://pafmj.org/PAFMJ/article/view/7135